LAUSANNE, November 11, 2016 - The 10thedition of the International Federation (IF) Forum with the focus on “The Powerof Sport to Drive World Health” kicked off in Lausanne (Switzerland) onWednesday night. For the opening of the Forum, Francesco Ricci Bitti, ASOIF andSportAccord Convention President, was joined by IOC President Thomas Bach,SportAccord President Patrick Baumann and Member of the Lausanne Council and Directorof Sport and Social Cohesion, Oscar Tosato.
During her keynote address at the openingsession, Dr. Margo Mountjoy, Chair of ASOIF’s Medical and ScientificConsultative Group, presented the results of the 2016 anti-doping survey involvingall 28 Summer Olympic IFs. Conducted from February to May 2016 through anonline questionnaire, the survey had three main objectives:
1. establish the anti-doping processes thatindividual IFs implement within their respective sports;
2. quantify the financial resources devotedto the IF anti-doping efforts in 2015 (the first year of implementation of therevised WADA Code); and
3. establish best practises from IFexperiences on how to better protect the clean athlete.
Key findings include the increase in IFexpenditure from $23.5M in 2009 to $27.68M in 2015 (17.8%). It is noted thatthe 17 lowest-spending IFs increased their budget by 82%.
Testing continues to account for themajority of expenditure, with much greater use being made of intelligencetesting by the IFs compared to 2009.
Another interesting outcome in the light ofrecent events is that the number of Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) processedby IFs has decreased by almost 80% between 2009 and 2015 due to changes in theWADA Prohibited List (specifically change concerning beta-2-agonists rules).
Click hereto read the full report.
Commenting on the research during the Forumopening, Francesco Ricci Bitti said: “The findings provide a clear indicationas to how much the Summer Olympic IFs spend globally on fulfilling their obligationsunder the WADA Code. We expect the research outcomes to deliver valuableinformation for the ongoing discussion concerning how to enhance the futurefight against doping and the potential creation of an independent authority fortesting. Our ultimate objective must be to protect athletes in the best waypossible.”
The methodology of the survey is now alsobeing applied to International Olympic Winter Federations and InternationalFederations recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
In the course of the Forum, ASOIF will alsopresent the results of research into activities and priorities for itsinternational member federations with respect to athlete health and safety tohelp their activities in this field.