LAUSANNE, October 28, 2017 - The latest editionof the AIPS Magazine is now available online. Issue III/2017 pays tribute to the memory and life of Jimmy Magee, the man who made a lasting contribution to sports broadcasting in Ireland over a period of 60 years. Theissue also puts focus on AIPS America and AIPS Asia elections that took place inColombia and Pakistan respectively.
Why is it so difficult for sportsexecutives to be honest? is the title of AIPSPresident Gianni Merlo’s editorial: it focuses on how ethics commissions indifferent federations are almost a guarantee of corruption because they rarelyinvestigate in cases thoroughly while pretending that they were created todefend the purity and transparency.
Gabriel Cazenave re-electedPresident of AIPS America The Paraguayan wasre-elected for a new term with the presence of 18 countries during the 14th Continental Congress held in Cali, Colombia. Carlos Julio Castellanos fromColombia was elected as First Vice-President, Guatemala’s Erick Álvarez Penagosas North Vice-President and Kleiber Beltrao from Brazil as SouthVice-President.
Sattam Alsahli new President of AIPS Asia Kuwait’s Sattam Alsahli was elected new president during AIPS Asia Extraordinary Congress that took place in Islamabad, Pakistan from 5-8 October with the participation of 25 countries. Amjad Aziz Malik of Pakistan and Hee-Don Jung from Korea were elected as Secretary General and First Vice-president respectively.
Ashgabat 2017 The Turkmenistan capital hosted the 5th Asian Indoor and MartialArts Games, the biggest sports event to ever happen in central Asia. An OpeningCeremony that surpassed expectations, an incredible amount of medals for the home country, social media granted for the first timeand a lot to discover about this conservative country, as reporter by AIPS.
AIPS and IAAF celebrateveteran athletics journalist in London Over 50 colleagues were honored during the IAAF World Championships in London for having covered 10 or more World Championships and dedicating their careersto the coverage of athletics. IAAF President Sebastian Coe gave special recognition to the journalists who have covered all 16 editions of the IAAF World Championships.
Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 awarded Olympic Games in historic double allocation 13 September 2017 marked a new chapter in the modernhistory of Olympic Movement as the IOC Session in Lima saw Paris and Los Angeles both become hosts of the Olympic Games. How did the IOC convince the bidding citiesthat there will be no loser in this decision?
UEFA Presidenthails latest AIPS Young Reporter Programme For the first time, 13 young promisingjournalists covered a senior UEFA competition at the Women’s 2017 EURO whichtook place in the Netherlands between July 16 and August 6.
Many more stories can be foundinside the AIPS magazine thanks to contributions from our NationalAssociations, Commissions and Continental Sections.
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