MOSCOW, November 30, 2017 - Fans can travelfree by train to their matches at the FIFA World Cup finals in Russia nextyear. But they should beware. No doubting the hospitable gesture but it is notas simple as it sounds.
The details behind the complexity of theoperation emerged at a media briefing here in Moscow on the eve of the draw forthe first World Cup staged in eastern Europe.
Everything points to an essential sliver ofadvice for anyone wishing to attend Russia next June and July whether as fan,tourist, commercial partner or journalist: act on the traditional scout's mottoand 'be (well) prepared.'
First step is for fans to obtain a ticketthrough the authorised sale site. Step two is obtaining a Fan-ID. Then fansmust apply through yet another dedicated web portal for a free two-part railticket to the ticketed match (or matches).
Note that the free trains are specials.Possession of a match ticket will not provide free travel on the standardRussian rail network
Also, any fan visiting Russia with friendsand/or relatives will not be able to buy them tickets so they can all traveltogether on the World Cup Specials. They will have to purchase tickets onseparate trains or flights and travel independently.
The logistical operation facing the Russiansis riskily daunting. In the next weeks they must process the sale of a further2.5m tickets, manage a similar number of Fan-ID applications and thenco-ordinate subsequent applications for free rail tickets.
Second 'must' after buying a ticket is obtaininga Fan-ID which substitutes the need for a visa for a majority of ticket-holdingforeign fans heading for the finals.
Russian communications director AndreyChernenko said: "The validity of the Fan-ID lasts from 10 days before thebeginning of the World Cup until 10 days after the end of the World Cup.
"To access the stadium you need bothyour ticket and Fan-ID. You just touch a turnstile with your Fan-ID and you areidentified and you get access. It's quick and convenient. We know this from theConfederations Cup so everyone is happy, everyone is smiling because no-one hasany trouble."
What Chernenko did not stress was thesecurity aspect since the Fan-ID is also a system through which any hooliganswith a record, at home or abroad, Russian or foreign, will be shut out.
The Russians also hope to link the Fan-IDsystem into a public free wifi network.
Once an application has been approvedFan-IDs can be sent out by post, collected at one of the worldwide VFS Globalcentres or picked up in a host city. Of course foreign visitors need to obtainit, one way or another, before they set out for Russia.
Next issue is the free trains.
Transport co-ordinator Pavel Hilchenko saidthat fans holding a ticket for a specific match can apply to use the free trainserving that specific match. Booking through a dedicated portal or app willdepend on submitting details of both match ticket and Fan-ID.
Hence any accompanying friends or relativeson tourist visas without a match ticket, must make separate travelarrangements. Buying extra tickets on the Specials is not envisaged nor doesthe Fan-ID offer general free rail travel during the finals.
Hilchenko said it was hoped to extend thefree train option to accredited journalists just as the system had beenextended part-way through the Confederations Cup.