KONYA, August 16, 2022 – Youngster Uzbek fencer surprised his opponent Martino Minutu of Turkey in the final of Men’s Fencing Foil at the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games Konya 2021, It was a tough game for Mukhammad as his opponent put him in defence pressure, but he bounced back in his attack finishing 15-9. Having been eliminated in the semi-finals, Uzbek fencers Ilyas Molina and Doniyor Sadullaev won bronze medals.
AIPS interviewed the 19-year-old fencer after his win, where he described it as “My best career personal achievement is Konya 2021 gold in Men’s Foil”:
MEMORABLE BEGINNINGS Mukhammad came into fencing as an amateur. But before that, he was engaged in many other sports like Boxing, wrestling and football before he fell in love with Fencing because his family members are all former athletes. And his brother and sister are former fencers. While his dad was a boxer. He made his first debut internationally in Fencing Juniors Coup du Monde Guatemala 2018 where he landed eighth in the Fencing Foil category.
Left: Mukhammad Yusuf Asranov, right: Martino Minutu during Men's fencing Foil Final
EDUCATION AND PASSION The champion completed his high school studies in the city of Asaka then moved to Tashkent to start his studies at the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports in the speciality of Sports Education, he is now a first-year student. In his free time at the university campus, he reads books and during competitions he prefers listening to music, to be mentally prepared.
TESTING WATERS The fencing junior star commented on his feelings during the game: “To be honest, I was very afraid before the start of the fight, when I started fencing, I realized that my opponent was more afraid than me and it worked in my favour, we knew each other very well, what are our strength and weaknesses, we both started first round very carefully to try to test waters.”
WHAT IS NEXT The youngster is currently in his last year as a junior fencer, he is preparing for the Tournoi satellite Slovakia and Romania during September 2022, the FIE Junior World Championships and the Asian championship, and after, his dream is to participate in the forthcoming Olympic Games.