LAUSANNE, October 11, 2022 - SportAccord on Monday (October 10) named Martin Gibbs as Acting Managing Director of SportAccord. Mr Gibbs, who has replaced Nis Hatt is based in Lausanne and has extensive leadership experience in sports administration and also as an adviser to sports bodies on governance and strategy. He previously served as Chief of Staff and then Director General at the UCI.
“The Executive Committee of SportAccord are pleased to have appointed Martin Gibbs at the head of our executive team, as we enter a phase of change and opportunity for the organisation,“ said SportAccord and GAISF President Ivo Ferriani. “With his experience of managing change and driving improvements in governance and organisational performance we are confident Martin is the right person for the task of laying sound foundations for the future.”
Mr Gibbs’s immediate priorities will be preparations for the forthcoming IF Forum and any assistance required by GAISF with regards to their General Assembly, expected to take place later this year.